Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Becoming A Twitter Is Hard

A slightly, gray haired sixty something has just become a twit!

I've been reading about "twitter" for some time now, but really didn't have the interest to find out how it worked, until today. I read that scores of people are using twitter for more than it was designed for? Sounds very interesting . . .

After a quick sign-up. They asked me who I wanted to follow?

The word "stalker" immediately came to mind. The screen then asked me if I wanted to check all my friends with Gmail, after screening over a hundred accounts -- I checked most of my family and grand kids. I'm sure none of them wants their Grandfather following every move they make?

I just thought it would be kind of nice, to ask them what they were doing? And of course, get an instant reply? Then I read that users were using Twitter to communicate at work (within their hours). To an owner this sounded really good as a communication tool, but not so good for a chat with your friend in another department. "I'll just have to set some rules," I thought to myself.

I officially have two followers. A friend and a company, both in New Jersey.

It's a shame that I could only muster two names, but I still have the rest of today, for my grandchildren to respond. I'm also a realist. This means that I'm really not counting on it!

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